

How to pay for your membership

If you would like to pay by electronic bank transfer or create a standing order to pay the fee on an annual basis, please email for the Association’s bank account details. A standing order is the means of payment most favourable to the Association, as the fees it attracts are considerably lower than others (eg Paypal).

Membership fees can be paid using the facility on this website.  Alternatively you can print the membership form and transfer the membership fee by bank transfer. Payments in Euro can be made to the following IBAN: IE36 BOFI 9000 1753 3346 10. Payments in Sterling can be made to the Association’s bank account in Belfast. The account number is 53612297 and the sort code is 90-02-95. Please include your name as the reference.

Payment Form

Conference fees include attendance at the conference and all coffee breaks, lunches, dinners, receptions and a social outing but exclude accommodation.

Payment for the conference may be made: – online via the below paypal form.

– by cheque made payable to the Irish Association of Law Teachers, to be posted to Dr Mary Dobbs, Treasurer, IALT, School of Law and Criminology, Maynooth University, Maynooth, Co. Kildare, Ireland.

– if your home institution has agreed to pay directly, please contact Dr Mary Dobbs ( to have an invoice issued to your home institution.

Conference Payment Form