Constitutional amendment 2024- imminent deadline

The deadline for voting on the resolution for the IALT constitutional amendment is fast approaching: please ensure that you have submitted your votes by 5pm Irish time on 10th January 2024. This is a key part of the constitutional amendment process.

Click here for the details of the Resolution , Annex to the Resolution with proposed amendmentsConstitutional review group’s report, and the proposed amendments article by article with detailed explanations.

This resolution was passed by members present and voting at the AGM of the Association on 11 November 2023 in accordance with Article 20 of the IALT Constitution (available HERE). 

In order for the resolution to be effective, it must be approved by a vote by the general membership as per Article 20(iii) of the Constitution. Article 20(iii) is being read in light of Article 19 enabling all communications on any matter regarding the IALT to be permitted via electronic means, i.e. via email, reflecting also the normal means of communication within the IALT and modern day practicalities.

The ballot:

Please email indicating whether you APPROVE or DISAPPROVE of the proposed amendment by 17:00 (Irish time), 10 January 2024  with ‘Amendment of the Irish Association of Law Teachers Constitution’ in the subject line. If a majority of the membership voting approve, the amendment shall be adopted.